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  • Writer's pictureNathan Lippincott

Motivation to Change Your Life and Get Out of Debt

Updated: Jul 21, 2018

Anyone can get out of debt. Nathan Lippincott, budgeting expert from Fairhope, Alabama, has help people of a variety of backgrounds get out of debt and start making progress towards financial freedom. Read his advice and thoughts in his free blog

It is a well known fact that finances are one of the most common sources of conflict in marriages today. My wife and I no longer fight about money because we are now on the same page and participating in the same plan. We know we will have a great retirement and that we will no longer have to live paycheck to paycheck. It relieved stress and made life together much easier for us. If I can help other couples achieve this as well, I am confident that life can be breathed into their families again. Until they do it themselves, people will never understand how living within their paycheck and understanding money brings freedom.

This is the reason I became a financial advisor: to pass this peace and independence onto as many people as I possibly can.

You will never see a multi-million dollar company without a financial plan. Their income is high and they make a plan every year. They even hire a person whose sole purpose is to do this for them. But did you know that in our lifetime, we can make over $3,000,000 and have absolutely no plan ?

As a financial advisor, I help people create a plan and budget for their life. Without a plan, no one will succeed and without goals, no one will get where they are going. I hold my clients accountable to the plan we have laid out so that in 30 years, they can live a life of their choosing during retirement.

Here are some examples of real-life budget success achievements:

  • One married couple paid off $20,000 in student loans within two years of working their budget and financial plan. They are now completely debt free and saving for their first home while planning yearly vacations and contributing to a retirement fund.

  • One family was behind on all household bills started a budget using the app You Need a Budget. Within a year, they had enough in their bank account to cover expenses a month in advance.

  • Another couple managed to pay off $6,000 in credit card debt within three months, enabling them to make better use of those monthly payments towards things they really needed.

  • One woman was going further in debt each month; after one month of paying attention and following a budget, she was able to make a payment of $800 to her credit card. Within three months, her credit cards were paid off and she was able to start planning for a house purchase.

These are not impossible pipe dreams! These people came from different backgrounds, financial situations, and lifestyles. They have different family sizes, different expenses and different goals. But they all have two things in common: a budget and a desire to change their lives. That is all that matters.

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